SEND GHANA’s livelihood flagship program known as the Food Security Through Co-operatives in Northern Ghana project (FOSTERING) has been operational in the resource-poor Eastern Corridor of Ghana since 1998. SEND GHANA implemented the project in collaboration with the Ghana Co-operative Credit Unions Association (CUA) and the Co-operative Development Foundation of Canada (CDF Canada), with funding from Global Affairs Canada and CDF Canada. The project has promoted food and nutrition security, increased income, and strengthened gender equity in beneficiary communities.
SEND GHANA is the first CSO to undertake agricultural budget tracking and advocacy to hold government accountable to fulfill its commitment to increase investment in the sector. Our Participatory Monitoring & Evaluation findings of 2009 and 2013 compelled government to surpass its commitment of allocating 10% of the national budget to the agric sector. Currently, SEND GHANA is a member of a consortium of four organizations that is implementing the USAID funded Northern Ghana Governance Activity (NGGA) under a cooperative agreement for a five year period.
The consortium adopted streamlined, cost effective and evidence-based solutions responding to the four proposed results levels of the project, namely; strengthened institutional capacity for effective coordination and integration of key actors in decentralized agricultural development; improved enabling environment for community organizations, CSOs and the private sector to participate as equal partners in decentralization and agricultural development; enhanced women’s participation in local governance and increased access to agricultural information and opportunities; and increased community dialogue and consensus building to prevent conflict and ensure sustainable development in Agriculture.