Job Archives

Consultant, Contract
Head Office
Posted 11 months ago



Consultancy to Undertake an Endline Video Documentary

 Project Title: Monitoring for Financial Savings Organization: SEND GHANA Duration: 20 working days from signing of contract

Job Features

Job Category

Non-Executive Position

TERMS OF REFERENCE (TOR) For Consultancy to Undertake an Endline Video Documentary  Project Title: Monitoring for Financial Savings Organization: SEND GHANA Duration: 20 working days from signing...

The Ghana Civil Society Organizations Platform on the Sustainable Development Goals is seeking the service of a printing house to design and print copies of its 2022 Shadow Report titled - TAKING ACTION ON SDGs: CITIZENS PERSPECTIVES ON THE SDGs DELIVERY MECHANISM IN GHANA. Specification
  • Number of pages­­­: Approx. 61
  • Number of copies:  200 - 300
  • Colour:  Full
  • Paper Size/ Quality: 8.5 x 11
  • Paper weight: 170g
  • Paper type:  Quality Art paper
  • Binding: Book Binding
  Expression of interest Interested applicants should express interest by submitting proforma invoices/quotations to no later than 6th October 2022Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted and invited to access the report. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted and invited to access the report.   Kindly use the title of this advert as the subject of the email. For clarification(s)   call: 0302716860 / 0302716830 The Ghana Civil Society Organizations Platform on the Sustainable Development Goals encourages equal opportunity for all; therefore, women are encouraged to apply. The final selection will be based on the principle of “best value for money” (i.e., achieving the desired outcome at the lowest possible fee).

The Ghana Civil Society Organizations Platform on the Sustainable Development Goals is seeking the service of a printing house to design and print copies of its 2022 Shadow Report titled – TAKIN...

Position Title:                    Programme Coordinator Organization:                    Ghana CSOs Platform on SDGs Location:                             Accra ----------------- Position Summary The Civil Society Platform for Sustainable Development Goals (CSO Platform on SDGs) was established to ensure more coordinated civil society efforts in achieving the SDGs in Ghana. The Platform counts 450 member organisations, including coalitions, associations, unions, community-based organisations, local, national and international non-governmental organisations and religious groups. The role of the Coordinator is to coordinate general activities of the CSO Platform on SDGs, to support the Co-Chairpersons of the Platform, and support the Platform conveners and Platform members in coordinating efforts towards achieving the SDGs in Ghana. Key Roles and Responsibilities
  • Coordinate activities to organize workshops on Access to Data to Inform Evidence-Informed Policymaking and SDG Advocacy in Ghana for civil society groups in all the regions.
  • Coordinate efforts of the Platform on contributing to the Joint SDG Advocacy Messages with the UN Communication Group.
  • Facilitate information sharing between state actors, platform members, Co-Chairpersons, and other strategic partners.
  • Organise a Steering Committee meeting in collaboration with the three Co-Chairpersons.
  • Support the process of strategizing towards reporting on the SDGs
  • Planning, budgeting, and implementation of project activities, including content generation and inviting facilitators and resource persons.
  • Lead grant proposal writing, grant management and reporting the same.
  • Engage all external stakeholders, namely government and its agencies in collaboration with the Co-Chairpersons.
  • Lead and liaise with members of the Platform and other stakeholders to produce common positions on the implementation of SDGs in Ghana.
  • Develop a system to stimulate greater citizen participation in the country’s SDGs implementation issues.
  • Engage stakeholders for forming district networks.
  • Support Platform Conveners in ensuring that the SDG Platforms are active and vibrant
  • Membership drive including reaching out to potential new members and updating the membership list.
  • Update database for districts members in line with their specifics goals.
  • Regularly update social media platforms of the Platform (Facebook and Twitter) and general communication.
  • Perform other administrative duties as needed
Skills and Competencies
  • Flexibility: Ability to thrive in an independent and entrepreneurial environment; ability to demonstrate flexibility in the face of change and competing priorities.
  • Organization: Strong time-management and workflow management skills and ability to meet deadlines.
  • Communication: Ability to communicate, verbally and in writing, effectively to a wide range of audiences in a professional manner.
  • Client Service: Must be mature, thoughtful and articulate, and have the confidence to interact one-on-one with management teams internally and externally when necessary.
  • Broad Understanding of Sustainable Development Goals concepts: Awareness of fundamental SDGs principles landscape in Ghana.
  • Computer/Technical Skills: Advanced proficiency of MS Office Suite, basic website management skills and social media.  Ability to pick up new technology quickly and intuitively.
Educational, Skills and Experience Requirements
  • Applicant should have a Bachelor Degree in the related field.
  • A minimum of 3 years working experience in a relevant field.
  • Must be prepared to multi-task.
  • Experience using or establishing digital platforms (e.g. websites, social media accounts)
  • Strong command of oral and written English
  • High levels of integrity and ethics
Females are encouraged to apply. How to apply: Qualified and interested applicants should submit their Cover letter and CV documents in a single document in PDF only with three (3) professional referees to  with the subject heading “Coordinator CSOs Platform on SDGs” addressed to the Chair of Steering Committee, Ghana CSOs Platform on SDGs. e.g. Jones Asmah - Programme Coordinator CSOs Platform on SDGs Closing Date: 11:59pm GMT, August 25, 2022. NB: Given the anticipated volume of submissions, only highly qualified candidates will be contacted.

Position Title:                    Programme Coordinator Organization:      &nbs...

[pdf-embedder url="" title="P4H Evaluation Terms of Reference"]

Job Features

Job Category

Non-Executive Position

Consultant, Contract
Head Office
Posted 3 years ago


Website developer for the design and management of a website for the Ghana Civil-Society Cocoa Platform

Duration: 21 days from signage of contract Background SEND has been working to influence national policies through advocacy and participation in the sectors of agriculture, health, education, public finance policy and good governance. SEND also has extensive experience in the cooperation and coordination of NGO networks. Since 2018 SEND Ghana has been supporting the political representation of cocoa farmers in national policy interfaces. Through this initiative civil society actors in the cocoa sector have founded the Ghana Civil Society Cocoa Platform (GCCP), which works together to improve the livelihoods of cocoa farming families and to preserve natural resources in cocoa growing regions. With support from INKOTA netzwerk and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, SEND is currently implementing another chapter of cocoa advocacy project titled “Strengthening Civil Society Actors in Ghana and Germany in Multi-Actor Partnership to contribute to Sustainable Cocoa Supply Chains”. By strengthening the role of civil society organizations in multi-stakeholder partnerships on sustainable cocoa, the project contributes to the development and implementation of new and innovative strategies to improve the living conditions of cocoa farming families and protect natural resources in cocoa-producing countries. Founded in 2019, the Ghana Civil-Society Cocoa Platform currently has active membership of 26 organisations comprising of farmer groups/cooperatives, NGOs, trade union and media association being coordinated and networked on national and international level. The platform is significantly contributing to strengthening the technical and methodological capacities of the actors involved and initiates dialogue talks with various actors in the cocoa sector. Purpose of the assignment SEND GHANA is seeking a professional website developer to design and manage a website for the Ghana Civil-Society Cocoa Platform (GCCP), as part of its visibility strategy. Details of how the work should be delivered The designer would be expected to perform/deliver the following:
  • Hold a briefing meeting with SEND GHANA to gain an understanding of the civil society platform and what the website must entail.  
  • Submit a first draft webpage for SEND’s review
  • Submit a second draft webpage for finalization
  • Host and manage website within an agreed duration.
  • This will be a simple website with basic features including:
  • Home -About            -   Resources             -Event/updates          -
  • Members -Gallery          -Contact
  • Any added value feature per consultant’s recommendation.
Timeline of Deliverables
Deliverables Days
Attend briefing meeting with SEND GHANA Within 2 days of signing contract
Submit first draft webpage Within 14 days of signing contract
Submit second draft webpage Within 18 days of signing contract
Submit final webpage with all features including social media handles etc. Within 21 days of signing contract
Reporting requirements The consultant will report to the SEND GHANA IT officer, GCCP Coordinator, Deputy Country Director and Communications Officer, who will provide feedback and guidance on their performance. The consultant is expected to deliver each component of the workplan electronically. Support provided by SEND GHANA SEND GHANA will provide the web developer with:
  • Basic information on the platform (mission, objectives, membership, earlier engagements etc)
  • Guidelines for the German Ministry of Economic and cooperation development branding
Qualifications and experience The consultant is expected to possess the following qualifications:
  • At least five (5) years of professional website designing and management experience
  • Demonstrated experience in content management system integration, graphics/layout, forms, plugins, domain registration, web hosting, SEO/marketing etc.
Expression of interest The professional designer should express his/her interest through a technical and financial proposal submitted to SEND GHANA by electronic mail to The technical proposal should include a motivation letter accompanied by summary of company or individual’s operations particularly in line with this assignment, and three samples of recent work. The financial proposal should specify an all-inclusive estimated fee for the website, including a breakdown of necessary costs such as design, hosting, marketing, management support These documents should be submitted before close of work on Monday, September 13, 2021. Only selected candidates will be contacted. The final selection will be based on the principle of “best value for money” (i.e., achieving the desired outcome at the lowest possible fee). Payments will be based on the deliverables and made in local currency. SEND reserves the right to withhold all or a portion of payment if performance is unsatisfactory, or if work/outputs are incomplete or not delivered on time. Intellectual property All information pertaining to this assignment (reports, statements, pictures, videos, links, project documents, etc.) that the consultant may come into contact with throughout the performance of their duties shall remain the property of the GCCP, which has exclusive rights over their use. Except for the purposes of this assignment, the information shall not be disclosed to the public nor will it be used without the written permission of SEND GHANA.  

  TERMS OF REFERENCE Website developer for the design and management of a website for the Ghana Civil-Society Cocoa Platform Duration: 21 days from signage of contract Background SEND has been wo...



Videographer to Document People for Health’s Work in Ghana

Duration: 30 days from signing of the contract

  1. Background
People for Health (P4H) is a USAID-funded project (2016 to 2021) that has been implemented by a consortium led by SEND GHANA with the support of Penplusbytes. The project has been implemented in 20 selected districts from the Northern, Eastern, Oti, Volta, and Greater Accra regions in Ghana. The goal of the project was to strengthen the organizational and institutional capacities of both government and civil society through interventions to improve the management and performance of health systems in five thematic areas: water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH); HIV/AIDS; maternal, child health and family planning; nutrition; and malaria. The approach for achieving this goal was based on enhanced social accountability, which blends SEND’s tried and tested Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation framework with consortium members’ methodologies. The project works through civil society organizations (CSOs) and government partnerships at the community, district, regional, and national levels to increase the capacity of CSOs to effectively advocate on key health issues, mobilize and empower communities to demand improved service delivery, and strengthen the demand of CSOs for accountability, compliance, and equitable service delivery.
  1. Purpose of the assignment/objectives of the consultancy
SEND GHANA is seeking one professional videographer to produce a video documentary on P4H that is 15–20 minutes in length for the closeout of the project, highlighting success stories related to its five thematic areas, the overall impact the project has had throughout the districts in which it was implemented, lessons learned, and how the project will be sustained.
  1. Details of how the work should be delivered
The consultant will be expected to perform/deliver the following:
  • Hold a briefing meeting with SEND GHANA to gain an understanding of the key successes and overall impacts of the project, lessons learned, ways the project will be sustained, and list of sites and people to be interviewed. Potential interviewees may include, but are not limited to: staff of SEND GHANA, Penplusbytes, and/or USAID; Community Health Management Committee members; Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Committee members; District Health Management Team members; District Citizens Monitoring Committee members; district/municipal executives; traditional authorities/opinion leaders; and direct beneficiaries.
  • Submit a draft script for review and approval.
  • Use their own professional video camera and audio equipment to conduct required field work, capturing interviews with selected interviewees and any relevant B-roll/secondary video footage. Audiovisual production must be high-resolution to adequately represent the organization.
  • Edit the footage in line with the script agreed upon and approved by SEND GHANA.
  • Record and edit narration/voice-over as needed.
  • Clearly identify the name, job title, and location of interviewees, along with any other relevant details, in accordance with USAID branding requirements.
  • Embed subtitles with professional translation to English in the video as needed, in accordance with USAID branding requirements.
  • Submit a 15–20 minute draft video to SEND GHANA for the first round of review and comments.
  • Implement all comments provided by SEND GHANA and submit the updated draft video for a second/final review by SEND GHANA, Penplusbytes, and USAID.
  • Audio balance the final product and convert it to formats for use on TV, radio, and the web.
  • Archive the edited output in DVD format along with 10 high-quality edited pictures, a professional log, SRT files for captioning, and a full transcript for 508 compliance.
  1. Deliverables:
  • One final high-resolution 15–20 minute video in MP4 and DVD format with a professional log. Video to include standard USAID style text animation used on USAID Transforms films.
  • 10 high-quality edited pictures with corresponding metadata and photo releases.
  • Final version of the video without the music and subtitles.
  • Music license.
  • Professional translation to English.
  • Videographer to provide SRT files for captioning and a full transcript for 508 compliance.
  • After a full video version is agreed upon, including music and text animation (style to be provided by USAID to follow USAID Transforms look and feel), there will be two rounds of edits (to incorporate required USAID clearances) before final video version is provided.
  1. Timeline of Deliverables
Deliverables Days
Attend briefing meeting with SEND GHANA Within 2 days of signing contract
Submit draft script (editable Word document) Within 7 days of signing contract
Submit first draft of video documentary (electronic copy) Within 20 days of signing contract
Submit second draft of video documentary (electronic copy) Within 25 days of signing contract
Submit final version of video documentary (DVD and log, along with electronic copies in formats suitable for radio, television, and YouTube) Within 30 days of signing contract
  1. Reporting requirements
The consultant will report to the SEND GHANA Communications Specialist, Communications Officer, and Chief of Party, who will provide feedback and guidance on their performance. All activities and deliverables undertaken by the contractors shall be discussed and planned in consultation with SEND GHANA. The consultant is expected to deliver each component of the workplan electronically (aside from the DVD).
  1. Support provided by SEND GHANA
SEND GHANA will provide the consultant with:
  • Basic information on the project (reports, earlier developed success stories and videos)
  • Guidelines for USAID branding
  • Suggestions on the most suitable project sites, stories, and relevant contacts
  1. Qualifications and experience
The consultant is expected to possess the following qualifications:
  • Five to 10 years of professional videography/video editing experience (Adobe Premiere Pro preferred)
  • Demonstrated experience conceptualizing, producing, and editing video documentaries relevant to the evaluation of social, humanitarian, and development subjects
  • Knowledge of the different regions and languages in Ghana
  • Ability to interact with a cross-section of people, from those at the grassroots to senior officials in government and multilateral agencies
  • Knowledge on ethical standards in reporting on vulnerable populations
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills
  • Experience with SEND GHANA and/or USAID will be an asset
  1. Expression of interest
The consultant should express his/her interest through a technical and financial proposal submitted to SEND GHANA by electronic mail to The technical proposal should include a motivation letter accompanied by a detailed curriculum vitae with three references and three samples of recent work. The financial proposal should specify an all-inclusive estimated fee for the documentary project in local currency, including a breakdown for filming charges, transportation expenses, post-production, crediting, subtitling, and voice-over. These documents should be submitted before close of work on Monday, September 6, 2021. Only selected candidates will be contacted. The P4H consortium is an equal opportunity employer and women are particularly encouraged to apply. The final selection will be based on the principle of “best value for money” (i.e., achieving the desired outcome at the lowest possible fee). Payments will be based on the deliverables and made in local currency within 10 days of the P4H consortium’s satisfactory review of services specified in the Terms of Reference. The P4H consortium reserves the right to withhold all or a portion of payment if performance is unsatisfactory, or if work/outputs are incomplete or not delivered on time.
  1. Intellectual property
All information pertaining to this project (documentary, audio, project documents, etc.) that the consultant may come into contact with throughout the performance of their duties shall remain the property of the P4H consortium, which has exclusive rights over their use. Except for the purposes of this assignment, the information shall not be disclosed to the public nor will it be used without the written permission of the P4H consortium. National and international copyright laws will be applicable.

  TERMS OF REFERENCE Videographer to Document People for Health’s Work in Ghana Duration: 30 days from signing of the contract Background People for Health (P4H) is a USAID-funded project (2016...


Gender Analysis/Audit

Women’s Economic Advancement for Collective Transformation (WEACT)

  [pdf-embedder url="" title="Consultancy Advert - WeACT Gender Assessment_Audit"]  

TERMS OF REFERENCE Gender Analysis/Audit Women’s Economic Advancement for Collective Transformation (WEACT)    

Full Time
Head Office
Posted 4 years ago
REPORTING TO: CHIEF OF PARTY ASSOCIATES:  DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS AND FINANCE, M&E OFFICER JOB SUMMARY: P4H overall objective is to increase equity in planning and delivery of health services in 20 districts, focusing on MCH, HIV, WASH, Family Planning and Nutrition sectors. The Civil Society Advisor is the lead for all Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation (PM&E) activities, supervises   the target beneficiaries, coordinates implementing partners and sub-awardees, prepares narrative reports, lead all advocacy events, supports the capacity building of the members of the District Citizen Monitoring Committee (DCMCs) KEY RESPONSIBILITIES:
  • Develop PM&E proposals and lead the implementation team in their execution
  • lead in all advocacy events at national, regional and district levels
  • coordinate and support sub awardees in the planning and execution of their activities
  • Plan and facilitate quarterly and annual work review and planning sessions
  • Prepare bi-weekly, quarterly and annual reports
  • Organize and execute capacity building activities for target groups and their allies
  • Coordinate the collection and preparation of success stories
  • Participate in SEND’s Programme Management Team Meetings
  • Participate in national budget analysis and advocacy
  • Any other responsibilities as may be assigned
  • Health policy specialist and women are encouraged to apply
Knowledge, experience and skills:
  • A Masters’ degree in Public Health, Development Planning, Health Policy, or Social Science related field and 8 years’ experience in senior management position in health sector.
  • Understanding Ghana’s health system, governance, and work experience in the sector is an important asset
  • Experience in working with People Living with HIV and AIDs, key population, mothers, pregnant and women to achieve their health rights
  • Ability and experiences in promoting health rights education covering nutrition, water, sanitation, hygiene and family planning
  • Health and budget advocacy skills and experience are required
  • Media relations, communication and networking skills and experience with other CSO is required
  • Working knowledge of MS Office, Online Communications and related applications including Excel
  • Good statistical analytical skills and experience is required.
  • Experience in leading a team
  • Must be willing to live and work in remote areas
  Interested applicants should submit CV and cover letter to the HR Manager, A 28 Regimanuel Estates, Nungua Barrier, Sakumono, Accra. Email: SEND is an equal opportunity employer and women are particularly encouraged to apply Deadline:  4th March 2021

Job Features

Job Category

Non-Executive Position

REPORTING TO: CHIEF OF PARTY ASSOCIATES:  DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS AND FINANCE, M&E OFFICER JOB SUMMARY: P4H overall objective is to increase equity in planning and delivery of health services in ...

Full Time
Head Office
Posted 4 years ago
REPORTING TO: Deputy Country Director ASSOCIATES:    Programme Officers, Project Officers and Accountant OBJECTIVE OF POSITION Ensure maximumparticipation of SEND in promoting pro-poor people socio-economic policies and practices To ensure maximum and regular participation of SEND in relevant advocacy networks To ensure effective fertilization of field-based interventions of SEND with its advocacy activities To develop programme interventions that address systemic inequalities DUTIES, ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Coordinate the Grassroots Economic Literacy and Advocacy Programme (GELAP) Responsible for SEND strategic project Coordinate Action Research work of SEND Capacity building of stakeholders Contribute to research publication and newsletters Training of community partners on Advocacy and Human Rights Monitor and report on the impact of SEND’s Advocacy Activities Prepare work plan and narrative reports on all advocacy activities Provide management and monitoring support to project officers and field officers Represent the GELAP team at Programme Management Team (PMT) Knowledge, experience and skills: Master’s degree in Economics, Mathematics, Social studies, Development studies, Governance, Public policy or any other social sciences. Minimum of three years’ work experience, with a focus on budget research and project coordination, preferably in the field of governance. Experience in public health policy Sound knowledge of tools, research methods and policy issues in social accountability, budget research, and good governance promotion. Strong research and writing skills Must be a self-starter who requires minimum or no prompting Media relationship skills Excellent networking, communication and interpersonal skills Strong organizational and time management skills Experience in training/capacity-building and technical backstopping Track record in fundraising an advantage Working knowledge of MS Office, online communications and related applications, including Excel. Experience in leading a team Must be willing to live and work in remote areas Interested applicants should submit CV and cover letter to the HR Manager, A 28 Regimanuel Estates, Nungua Barrier, Sakumono, Accra. Email: SEND is an equal opportunity employer and women are particularly encouraged to apply Deadline:  4th March 2021

Job Features

Job Category

Non-Executive Position

REPORTING TO: Deputy Country Director ASSOCIATES:    Programme Officers, Project Officers and Accountant OBJECTIVE OF POSITION Ensure maximumparticipation of SEND in promoting pro-poor people socio...

Consultant, Contract
Head Office
Posted 4 years ago

SEND Ghana

Transparency and Accountability in Cocoa (Project Number: SP GHA 006) 

End of Project Audit

 Terms of Reference 

Introduction SEND-Ghana with funding support from Rainforest Alliance is implementing a three-year project that seeks to capacitate civil society actors including farmer groups, civil society organizations and the media to collectively influence Ghana’s cocoa sector policies and practices. The project employs a strategy that encourages active participation of civil society actors in national debates on sustainable cocoa through capacity building and evidence-based monitoring and dialogues with policy makers. As part of the project financial management requirements, SEND Ghana is required to contract external auditors to audit the project financial reports. We therefore wish to invite proposals (technical and financial) from qualified audit firms to undertake this assignment. Scope of Work The selected firm will be required to carry out the following work on the project financial records:
  1. Checking the accounting records for regularity and completeness.
  2. Checking the financial report, which must show all project-related income and expenditure and confirm that all income and expenditure is supported by documentary evidence.
  3. Control of the management of the project funds provided. This includes:
    • the project funds transferred to the project sponsor in the current financial year or during the project term.
    • all interest earned during the financial year or project duration on the project funds transferred to the local project partner
    • other revenue arising from project activities.
  1. Review of the extent to which the financial resources were used appropriately in accordance with the planned project objectives and measures.
  2. Review of the economic efficiency of the expenditure in relation to the financial resources (to be used sparingly and as effectively as possible).
  3. Verification of compliance with all agreements fundamental to the project.
  4. Verification and confirmation of the completeness & correctness of project-relevant documents.
Expected Output and Period of Assignment Audited financial report in accordance with the financial reporting guidelines on the project covering the entire project period from January, 2018 – December, 2020 The period of assignment shall be approximate twenty (20) working days between 4th January, 2021 to 29th January, 2021. Place of assignment shall be at SEND Ghana office, A28 Regimmanuel Estate, Nungua, Accra, Ghana. Qualification Criteria This paragraph sets out the minimum qualification criteria for the auditor.
  1. The auditor is a member of a national body of auditors in good standing, which is member of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC).
  2. The auditor will conduct the audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing and Project Audit Protocol (Protocol will be provided).
  Expression of interest documents (Technical and Financial Proposals) should be sent via e-mail to before 5:00pm, Monday 28th December, 2020.        

SEND Ghana Transparency and Accountability in Cocoa (Project Number: SP GHA 006)  End of Project Audit  Terms of Reference  Introduction SEND-Ghana with funding support from Rainforest Alliance is ...

Introduction Integrity Action and SEND GHANA are starting a new, two-year programme in March 2021 in which groups of citizens in Northern Ghana will be enabled to monitor the delivery of important infrastructure projects and essential services within their communities. As part of this programme, we wish to generate evidence on whether, and under what conditions, public money is saved through this citizen monitoring approach. We are now searching for a research team or research organisation to work with us in gathering this evidence. Integrity Action’s and SEND’s long experience of citizen monitoring approaches tells us that such approaches have the potential to improve services like education, health or infrastructure. We have seen teacher absenteeism improve, facilities upgraded, and stalled construction projects completed, to name a few. However, we lack evidence for what these improvements mean in financial terms. How much public money is saved when a particular service or project is improved through monitoring? By what kind of mechanisms or pathways might that money be saved? Under what conditions is the money saved greater than the money spent on monitoring? Evidence like this could help build a compelling argument for the value of these approaches, and the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on government spending makes this kind of evidence particularly important. This terms of reference sets out the full details of this work. The deadline for responses is 25th January 2021 (end of day). We would like the selected research provider to work with the programme team throughout the programme – this includes working with us at the beginning to devise an appropriate research methodology that complements, and blends well with, the citizen monitoring methodology. The total available budget is 80,000 USD over the 2-year period. We appreciate that the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic poses a challenge to data collection, but believe that there is still much that can be done if we are adaptive in our plans. However, proposals that require international travel will not be considered. Introduction Integrity Action and SEND GHANA are starting a new, two-year programme in March 2021 in which groups of citizens in Northern Ghana will be enabled to monitor the delivery of important infrastructure projects and essential services within their communities. As part of this programme, we wish to generate evidence on whether, and under what conditions, public money is saved through this citizen monitoring approach. We are now searching for a research team or research organisation to work with us in gathering this evidence. Integrity Action’s and SEND’s long experience of citizen monitoring approaches tells us that such approaches have the potential to improve services like education, health or infrastructure. We have seen teacher absenteeism improve, facilities upgraded, and stalled construction projects completed, to name a few. However, we lack evidence for what these improvements mean in financial terms. How much public money is saved when a particular service or project is improved through monitoring? By what kind of mechanisms or pathways might that money be saved? Under what conditions is the money saved greater than the money spent on monitoring? Evidence like this could help build a compelling argument for the value of these approaches, and the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on government spending makes this kind of evidence particularly important. This terms of reference sets out the full details of this work. The deadline for responses is 25th January 2021 (end of day). We would like the selected research provider to work with the programme team throughout the programme – this includes working with us at the beginning to devise an appropriate research methodology that complements, and blends well with, the citizen monitoring methodology. The total available budget is 80,000 USD over the 2-year period. We appreciate that the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic poses a challenge to data collection, but believe that there is still much that can be done if we are adaptive in our plans. However, proposals that require international travel will not be considered. [pdf-embedder url=""]  

Introduction Integrity Action and SEND GHANA are starting a new, two-year programme in March 2021 in which groups of citizens in Northern Ghana will be enabled to monitor the delivery of important inf...

Head Office
Posted 4 years ago
[pdf-embedder url="" title="Terms of Reference - Gender Consultant (Ghana)"]




 Consultancy to conduct gender assessment in cocoa sector

Position: Consultant (Gender assessment of Ghana’s cocoa sector, to assist women cocoa farmers)

  Project Title: Cocoa Advocacy Organization: SEND - GHANA Project Duration: September 14th – October 14th 2020   Project Background Under a grant provided by the Rainforest Alliance, SEND-Ghana is implementing a three-year project that seeks to capacitate civil society actors including farmer groups, civil society organisations and the media to collectively influence Ghana’s cocoa sector policies and practices. The project employs a strategy that encourages active participation of civil society actors in national debates on sustainable cocoa through capacity building and evidence-based monitoring and dialogues with policy makers. The project has currently facilitated the establishment of a civil society actors’ platform on cocoa which is championing collective advocacy in the sector. This mechanism would help move the advocacy agenda beyond the project but also for national and international level discussions. Project Outcomes The project seeks to achieve the following outcomes:
  1. Strengthen the capacity of Cocoa Farmer-based organizations, CSOs and the media to monitor and advocate for improved policies and practices in the cocoa sector.
  2. Promote the functionality of stakeholder (SDGs) platform for advocacy in the cocoa sector by including gender issues on the advocacy agenda.
  3.  Facilitate constructive dialogue/advocacy between farmer groups, CSOs, government, and COCOBOD.
Objective and Scope of the Consultancy Gender is core to the project considering its objectives. The project seeks to assess how gender is mainstreamed into Ghana’s cocoa sector and how responsive policies and programs are to gender issues. SEND GHANA seeks the expertise of a consultant to conduct a study focusing on the general gender outlook of Ghana’s cocoa sector. The study should critically assess the extent to which gender issues are effectively institutionalised in Ghana’s cocoa sector  policies, programmes and practices.  Additionally, the study should  determine the status of government’s responsiveness to gender issues and posit how gender imbalances affect both men and women farmers and the cocoa sector largely. Key focus is to clearly bring out gender disparities in cocoa farmers’ access to inputs and services, financial support, training and information; participation and involvement in cocoa pricing processes. A component of the study will focus on the present organisational structures and proceedings of the sector regulator (COCOBOD) and how this supports or derail gender considerations in programming and service delivery.  This will inform to some extent the level of understanding and acceptance of gender prioritisation in the sector by the COCOBOD and how gender is mainstreamed in its interventions.   The main services to be undertaken by the consultant include, but not limited to the following:
  1. Produce a detailed inception report
No later than a week after contract signing, the consultant will be expected to embark on an inception mission and produce an inception report detailing:
  • Background/introduction
  • Proposed methodology detailing the study area, type and number of respondents.
  • A list of potential stakeholders to be consulted and interviewed, and an analysis plan.
  • A detailed work/implementation plan
  • Other key issues identified so far and relevant to the study, and relevant attachments: maps, data etc.
  • An annotated outline of the final research report
  1. Undertake a comprehensive review and analysis of the cocoa sector in Ghana focusing on gender (access to inputs, services and information and involvement in decision making processes)
The consultant is expected to undertake a desk review and present various gender standards and policies in the sector and highlight how these policies are responding to gender needs in the sector. This should be complemented with primary evidence based on a well-represented sample. Guided by field research/survey questionnaires prepared by the consultant and approved by SEND Ghana, the consultant will be expected to combine both qualitative and quantitative data in the fieldwork through broad-based consultation process including surveys, interviews, and focus group discussions with key stakeholders. In undertaking this study, the researcher will interface extensively with (i) government institutions responsible for management and oversight of the cocoa sector at the national and local levels, (ii) private sector and industry players within the cocoa sector including administrative units of farmer cooperatives (iii) farmers including men, women and youth involved in cocoa farming, (iv) civil society organizations and community based organizations involved in cocoa advocacy, and (v) other stakeholders that may be relevant to the study.  
  1. Develop a draft and final report
The consultant will prepare a draft report based on a detailed desk research and the outcome of the field work. After a few iterative processes based on review of the draft report by SEND Ghana, the consultant would be expected to submit a final report. The report is expected to cover, but not limited to, the following areas:
  •  A review of Ghana’s cocoa sector and how responsive policies and programs are to gender issues over time.
  • Assess the general gender outlook in the cocoa sector and posit how gender imbalances affect both men and women farmers and the cocoa sector largely.
  • A country brief and situational analysis of the cocoa sector taking into consideration the key institutions, regulators, programs and interventions, cocoa farmers, interventions, market, among other relevant situations of importance to the study
  • The current state of gender mainstream in Ghana’s cocoa programs and the existing gap(s).
  • The level of involvement of men and women farmers in decision making processes in cocoa at different levels.
  • The extent to which gender mainstream in the cocoa sector is affecting livelihoods and addressing the unmet needs of farmers especially women and youth farmers.
  • Recommendations needed to improve the sector’s gender responsiveness in a manner that would ensure improvement in the livelihoods of all cocoa farmers.
  1. Develop a policy brief
Upon submission of the final report, the consultant will prepare and submit a 2-page policy brief detailing key advocacy messages based on the findings of the study.   Deliverables and Output The deliverable schedule for services to be provided under this engagement is as follows:
 Outcomes Deliverable/Output
1. Develop an inception report with a good literature background and the critical issues the study would address, potential stakeholders to engage with, a proposed work plan, and an outline of the final report Inception report
2. Design and submit data collection tools to SEND Ghana for review and approval Survey instruments/Draft questionnaires and interview guides/enumerator training, etc.
3. Pretesting of data collection tools Report on outcome of pilot test
4. Undertake and complete data collection and analysis Raw data collected, transcripts and analysis of data collected, pictures or videos taken during data collection
5. Preparation, completion and submission of draft report to SEND Ghana for review First draft report
6. Preparation, completion and submission of final draft report to SEND Ghana to reflect comments arising from the review (this may however go through a number of iterative processes before the final report) Final draft report
7. Develop a 2-page policy brief detailing key advocacy messages based on the main findings of the study 2-page policy brief
Contract Duration The anticipated duration of the contract is thirty (30) days, starting 14th September – 14th October 2020. During this period, the consultant is expected to deliver on the key outputs detailed above.  Expression of interest documents should be sent via e-mail to  before 5: 00 PM - Thursday, 3rd September 2020    Office Location: A28 Regimanuel Estates, Nungua Barrier, Buade Road, Accra        

TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR SEND/RAINFOREST ALLIANCE COCOA ADVOCACY PROJECT  Consultancy to conduct gender assessment in cocoa sector Position: Consultant (Gender assessment of Ghana’s cocoa sector, to ...

Full Time
Northern Regional Networking Centre
Posted 4 years ago
JOB ROLE:  FINANCE MANAGER LOCATION: SALAGA, SAVANNA REGION REPORTING TO: DIRECTOR OF FINANCE FUNCTIONAL:  PROGRAM MANAGER JOB SUMMARY: The Finance Manager will be responsible for all aspects of project administrative and financial management.  The person will establish and maintain sound financial management practices, and ensure the project’s compliance with Donor and SEND GHANA’s procedures, rules and regulations. (more…)

Job Features

Job Category

Non-Executive Position


Introduction Strengthening civil society actors in Germany and Ghana in multi-actor partnerships on Sustainable cocoa production is a project been implemented by SEND Ghana with funding from the Federal Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development (BMZ) and INKOTA-netzwerk to the tune of 99,360.00. As part of the project financial management requirements, SEND Ghana is required to contract external auditors to audit the project financial reports. We therefore wish to invite proposals (technical and financial) from qualified audit firms to undertake this assignment. Scope of Work Our donor INKOTA-netzwerk will require the following work on the project financial records:
  1. Checking the accounting records for regularity and completeness.
  2. Checking the financial report, which must show all project-related income and expenditure and confirm that all income and expenditure is supported by documentary evidence.
  3. Control of the management of the project funds provided. This includes:
  • the project funds transferred to the project sponsor in the current financial year or during the project term.
  • all interest earned during the financial year or project duration on the project funds transferred to the local project partner
  • other revenue arising from project activities.
  1. Review of the extent to which the financial resources were used appropriately in accordance with the planned project objectives and measures.
  2. Review of the economic efficiency of the expenditure in relation to the financial resources (to be used sparingly and as effectively as possible).
  3. Review of costs on human resources and social security contributions with regard to local customs, the laws in the respective project country, in particular compliance with the contracts and the lawful payment of the corresponding funds.
  4. Checking compliance with the cost plan by means of a target/actual comparison (based on the last valid financing plan).
  5. Verification of compliance with all agreements fundamental to the project
  6. Control of the procured inventory, its whereabouts and its appropriate use.
  7. Verification and confirmation of the completeness & correctness of project-relevant documents.
  8. Verification of compliance with all agreements fundamental to the project
Expected Output and Period of Assignment Audited financial report in accordance with the financial reporting guidelines on the project covering the entire project period from September, 2017 – March, 2020. (Report guidelines will be provided) The period of assignment shall be approximate thirty (30) days from contract date. Place of assignment shall be at SEND Ghana office, A28 Regimmanuel Estate, Nungua, Accra, Ghana. Budget The budget for this assignment is approximate € 4,000.00, payable in Ghana Cedis. Applicable withholding taxes shall be applied. Competitive proposals within this budget are encouraged. Expression of interest documents should be sent via e-mail to before 5:00pm, Friday 8th May, 2020.

Introduction Strengthening civil society actors in Germany and Ghana in multi-actor partnerships on Sustainable cocoa production is a project been implemented by SEND Ghana with funding from the Fede...